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November 22, 2006


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Thanks for the van ideas. My girlfriend and I are about to get a new van and do the same. You mentioned Spennie's van, but I couldn't find that on his website????

I don't know why he doesn't have his van on his otherwise impressive wind junkie site (which I link to under "more windsurfing resources." I would go to his site, click on "links" and then click on the Contact link to email him directly. Here's the direct link to his "links":

Another great place to see what people are doing with their vans is on the Boards forum of the British windsurfing magazine Boards.
Just remember that all of the photos are "reversed" because they drive on the opposite side of the road with the drivers seat to the right!

Love the van! My wife and I are thinking about something like this as permanent storage, sitting in the driveway of our weekend place. How well does wet stuff dry - sails, harness, footstraps, etc.? I could see us sailing, packing everything back in and then not returning for a week or two. Leaving the window cracked may be counter productive if it rains while we're away.

Second thing first...adding rain guards to the windows lets me keep the front windows cracked a few inches. They are perpetually open on my van, given the van's mission. That being said, if you simply store wet gear in the van you're going to have problems. My drill is this: When I get home all wet sails get leaned against something so they can drip out. Also I keep a towel in the back that I do a quick wipe of the boards/squeeze the footstraps when I put them back in. The towel gets removed when I get home as well. lastly I keep a big plastic bucket that I throw wet things (wetsuits booties harness etc) into at the end of the sesh...this also comes out when I get home. The van will put up with some dampness, but not a perpetual load of wet sails and boards.

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windsurfing van

  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

