Not So Good News: Boom mounting leaves much to be desired. The "handlebar mount" only fits over the average boom tail section, so mounting more forward is problematic. And whereever you aim the camera, it is perpetually being affected by how you rake the rig and pull it towards you past verticle (this also means that on reaches when sailor and camera are on opposite sides, you don't get a mirror of the same side framing. For me the camera is mostly looking at sky on the opposite reach, even when it's shooting beneath the boom on the same side reach. And the audio is worse than useless. You hear nothing except boom impacts.
(the above clip quickly shows the camera underwater, the change in perspective depending on whether the camera is on sailor-side tack or sailor-opposite tack, plus some slow motion of the jibe for fun (maybe.)
Next Steps:
While the supplied headband/helmet mount does not hold the camera at all steady (it bounces at every impact enough to ruin the image) I think headcam is the way to go. I have an old helmet that I'll be drilling, taping, and otherwise experimenting on with duct tape and cable ties to see if I can improve the situation. The Mast Tip cam mount is still being developed in my limited imagination.
(Jeff imagined as a great still image the view from the boom camera mid-jibe, seeing both the jiber and the carved wake behind him/her. Here is the best shot of that frame I've found...note that you can only see one side of the wake as the board carves.)
It's nice to see you wearing your helmet young man. All the easier to be spotted in those troughs. ;)
Posted by: Joe Rouse | April 19, 2007 at 04:17 AM
I too am making cuning plans for a mast top cam. involving an old mast top with cutaways to negotiate the fixed head system.
What are your plans?
Posted by: Geoff Hautman | April 19, 2007 at 04:34 PM
I'm considering cutting up an RDM mast adapter, and/or drilling through one side of it to attach the OEM clip. Then I'll slide the entire thing down the mast tip until it's firm.
I won't be able to do this until Saturday at the earliest.
Posted by: Peconic Puffin (Michael) | April 19, 2007 at 04:42 PM
Nice to read some other stories from users. I've also bought me an actioncamera and some weeks ago we tried it the first time (some trainingday before the windless mondial du vent in the south of france)
(sorry for the dutch language on the website, but I'm a belgian... ;-) )
Posted by: herman | April 20, 2007 at 06:08 AM
Nice video, Herman, and don't worry about the Dutch!
Posted by: Peconic Puffin (Michael) | April 20, 2007 at 08:50 AM
The cam construction that works for me:
Also added a windscreen couple of days ago.
Posted by: Sergey | May 14, 2007 at 04:28 PM