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April 29, 2007


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fantastic foto and caption.

My God! where the hell is this??

Oh, and while I'm here today, I'll make the comment I was too swamped to make in April.

This picture had actually done the rounds of the kayak lists a while before you picked it up. I checked it on Snopes.com, and it turns out that yes, it's real, and completely intentional!

Much more fun than Snopes's answer on the other kayak/giant ocean predator thing that had paddling circles all a-buzz a while back. Barbara M. was a total killjoy on that one.

Fantastic, Bonnie! Snopes links to another photo from the same shoot...the shark is HUGE in the photo.

Yes, pretty amazing. Those researchers have some guts. The article itself was really interesting.

The orca one just surfaced again on paddling.net - by now, almost everybody knows about it but you still get the occasional "Hey, is this..."

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    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

