It all started for want of a napkin. It was 1994 and my third summer windsurfing, out of a share house (The Puffin House) on the Great Peconic Bay. Steve and I were wolfing down sandwiches when I managed to get a blob of mustard on my face. I started to look for a napkin to clean up before getting back on the water, when it suddenly occurred to me...
"What's so funny?" asked Steve.
"Me. I'm worrying about a bit of mustard, as if I'm not going to be falling into the water repeatedly in less than a minute. You could put a scoop of ice cream on my head and there would be no trace of it five minutes after I begin windsurfing."
The thought appealed to Steve. He proposed that we in fact put a scoop of ice cream on my head. And as a gesture of puffinly brotherhood, he would also don some cream, even though he was a much better sailor who might not fall until his vision went vanilla.
ok...have to ask...
ice cream headache? yes? no?
Posted by: bonnie | June 14, 2007 at 03:30 PM
That brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Brain Freeze"
Very nice Steve and Michael, 1994, I was 5 and knowing me I probably put ice cream on my head, but then later took a bubble bath.
Michael I will see you on thursday for some windsurfing in the backyard
( providing the wind direction is good )
Posted by: Remy McFadden | June 18, 2007 at 12:09 PM
OK, you want the truth. Here goes: Michael decides that the local gull populace must go. He can't stand the endless dropping of shells on our roof, a practice that begins daily at 5 a.m. Flush with his recent victory over a cricket (a story for another day), he peals out of the house early one morning and runs pell mell at a group of gulls languishing on the beach and starts hurling some twisted anti-gull invectives at this group. "Gulls work for the man at Red Lobster", "Your mother slept with Pufffins", "You fly lie Penguins", "You dress lie Canaries", etc. Really hurtfull stuff. Not very PC. Suddenly, the flock takes to the air and demonstrates an extraordinary skill with target pooping. Ice-cream my ass. I happened to be in the area.
I spent hundreds$$ on shampoo and psychotherapy. innocent victim and friend to all seagulls
Posted by: Steve | July 29, 2007 at 03:45 AM
Seagulls don't need any friends. May I remind you that the very same year we thought we had a burglar on the roof, but it was a seagull smashing conch shells? May I also remind you that the Great Black-Backed gull is a predator of puffins?
Bird poop bird shmoop, I say!
Posted by: Michael | July 29, 2007 at 10:02 AM