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November 08, 2007


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Fun Reading about the vintage sailing gear in the 93 Puffin. I too bought a quiver of single cam "convertable" sails convinced that RAF's were a thing of the past. Day glow colors ruled; If you didn't have a brightly colored wetsuit, you weren't a serious windsurfer. I sadly threw mine out several years back. However, this past weekend I managed to salvage an old pair of Windsurfing Hawaii harness lines (flouresecent pink!)from a boom I sent to the recycling bin. The lines are actually in great shape with little wear. I think I'm going to put them on one of my newer booms and see who comments on them this weekend. Anyway, I really enjoy your blog-site. Have a good sail this weekend!

Rob, I had those pink WSH harness lines too. PowerStraps I believe they were called, and they were some of the best adjustable lines I ever had.

Here is a post I did on an old and scary neon wetsuit. I must confess to liking the look back in the day. Now, like any decent human being I am appalled, but back then glowing like a black-light poster seemed to be the way to go!

Thanks for the kind words about the Puffin. Let's get some wind!

Avery is a little ostentatious about the Puffin's 14.5 lifespan; she is only 9.0 years old...though her memory is excellent.

The Puffin is the greatest sea bird and windsurf blog.


Has it been a year? Time flies, kudos on the year under your belt. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Joe! Good luck with that oil spill...what a mess.

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

