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November 28, 2007


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Nice cover shot, Michael!

Did you speak to Mikedabaker yet?


I have not...I've been out of town and/or otherwise engaged. I'll give him a call in the next few days though...thanks for the contact info.

Re the photo, I was stunned when I saw it on the newspaper. I heard that the photo was "in the paper" but not until George Pav called me did I know that it was so prominent.

Meanwhile I'm looking forward to my first West Meadow sesh...maybe next week?

Just catching up with the Puffin - enjoying the blogs as usual. Question: where the hell is the iron pier? Sounds more like a good salty beer then a killer launch. Just to tired to look at the map. Mike- you missed a 3.7 session at the Da Meda Monday.

George...have ye never seen my Long Island Windsurfing Map? You can find every launch spot on the island (almost) on there...it ain't perfect, but it doesn't suck.

Iron Pier is in Northville. Take Sound Avenue East to Avenue and make a left. There's a public beach with adjoining parking lot. Launch right by the jetty, and look out for the rocks that appear at low tide a few hundred yards to the east.

I wish I'd been at the Medda on Monday...maybe I'd have avoided the crackup I had at the Pier!

Michael, I just saw the cover photo of you on the Riverhead Newspaper from your site. Great photo. It’s so nice to see news coverage of our sport with out the superlatives; extreme, or rescue.

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windsurfing van

  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

