Photo by Dale McKinnon, as seen on Andreas' blog. They were having quite a blow in Bellingham Bay up in Washington State on Veterans Day. NOT the San Francisco Bay area, as the Puffin had previously and sloppily implied/reported. Thank you Horse Joe for pointing that out.
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I remember back in my teens when I was working in the UK the lake I used to sail on was just frozen over and myself and another couple of guys just went out ''to break the ice'' for the fun of it. Didnt have the warm steamers etc there are now in those days! Problem is that I have been very spoilt since!!
Posted by: Bunty | November 15, 2007 at 05:51 AM
It was not blowing like that on Veteran's Day here in the Bay Area. I went to Andreas blog to investigate and found that it is a photo from Bellingham Bay up in Washington State.
The beaches are still closed, damn bunker fuel!
Posted by: Joe Rouse | November 15, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Thank you, investigator Rouse! I will correct the post (I don't know my Pacific bays very well, it would appear).
Posted by: Michael | November 15, 2007 at 01:42 PM