Adjust footstraps on windsurfing boards. In the house.
There are several new Fanatics on the beach these days, and we owners have been noticing that the footstraps are a bit narrow for booty sailing. Both Jon Ford and Jason have suggested hacking the situation by moving the front screw of the front straps forward one hole (where it would normally be if the entire footstrap was moved forward one increment) and the back screw of the rear strap back one hole. I have now done this, and hope to judge the results tomorrow morning.
I've takent to referring to the board as "Seventy Seven" which is kind of short for 77th Heaven, a name suggested by Litoralis, who comes to us from sailboat land (sailboat water?) Litoralis chimed in back when I was searching for a name for this brilliant little board.
When the wife's away the boards come in to watch TV and drink a couple of beers. That can be heaven.
Posted by: Joe Rouse | December 02, 2007 at 07:19 PM
I think you mean "broads," Joe.
Posted by: Litoralis | December 03, 2007 at 11:04 AM
Dare I ask...what the HECK is "booty sailing"??? Is it sailing with booties on, or sailing with your booty in the water, or what?
Posted by: bonnie | December 03, 2007 at 11:57 PM
No, 'Booty sailing' must definitely mean your kit cost alot of booty!
Posted by: Bunty | December 04, 2007 at 06:03 AM
We're wearing booties, Bonnie. And my kit costs a lot of booty. And there is such a thing as sailing with your booty in the water (it can be a survival technique for sailing in extremely high winds.) I didn't realize how much booty there was 'till you asked!
Posted by: Michael | December 04, 2007 at 09:24 AM