Here are the overall racing results from the East Coast Windsurfing Festival. Note that all racers (guys, gals, youts..."what's a yout?") are combined. Note that Pete Roesch was unstoppable (I even rammed him but still ended up in his wake in that heat!) Note that Bart Kornas is dangerous to crowd near a mark. Note that young Alex Hering smoked an army of adults! And note that we had lots of ties overall (see the duplicate numbers to the left.) On a personal note I'd like to say that the first time I ever raced at an event, I never made it around the course, so mad props to everyone who got out there!
1. Pete (the Eliminator) Roesch
2. Bart Kornas
3. Alex Hering
4. Michael Alex
5. Joe Giordano
6. George Pav
7. Marhn Sszymanski
7. Jim Manta
8. Martin Risner
9. Ian Warren
10. Xavier Campos
10. Dennis Grunbeck
11. Peter Alagha
12. Mike Columbo
13. Kurt Veith
14. Peconic Jeff Schultz
15. Joe Natalie
16. George Marr
17. John Markwalter
18. Kuba
19. Rich Halloway
20. John Sasson
21. Ted Bonner
22. Bluefish Mike
22. Ira
23. Phil Soltsiack
23. Jill Marr
24. Juan Piantino
24. Jesse Waters
24. Tanya
25. Elvin Quezaba
26. Sean Keating
27. Vicki
28. Larry
29. Chip
30. Tom Soltsiak
30. Florian
31. Rich Simmons
31. Robert Mallin
31. Tom Dehan
31. Josh
31. Dean Carbalo
(Photos by Bill Doutney)