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July 24, 2008


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Sounds like a heavenly sesh... I long for the days of no wetsuit sometimes :).

Also, ballsy to take such a little board for such a long reach. If the wind had dropped earlier, you would have been in for a not-so-fun slog. I have the Freewave 86, and my buddy mostly rides the 77 and loves it. I'll have to give it a try one of these days...

I am muy ballsy! However this initial run was sailed on my JP Freestyle Wave 93. I essentially took an 8-mile test run, then came in to switch to a more appropriate board (the 77) for the duration of the sesh.

Glad you had some wind. We are all really stoked after having 2 good days last week after such a long lull in the wind. The thing is you get so out of form that it takes the two sessions to feel normal again. God knows when we will get our next bout of wind. Summer sucks here!

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    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

