Anyhow below is a clip of him working on anklebiters, matrixes, and the odd bit of sail-chi. He says it's his current favorite video of himself. The music drives me nuts, but I like watching him throw the sail!
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haha that's pretty cool, but he's still a rookie compared to this guy from Bonaire:
he's the master of light wind freestyle !
Posted by: Frank | September 23, 2008 at 04:36 AM
His name is Caesar, and two definitive videos of him were shot by the Peconic Puffin...check out part one and part two.
Caesar teaches for Andy and ABK in Bonaire, by the way.
Posted by: Michael | September 23, 2008 at 08:25 AM
hey guys whats up in the U.S?
thanx frank, michael for noticing my videos...
you can check out the last one that is on youtube
it's tags are bonaire 2008 caesar finies lightwind freestyle...
hey by the way...
i might be the master or better say pretty good doing tricks,
when it comes to explaining,you gotta be all ears for Andy Brandt. Anyways just go out on the water spend time on your gear,have FUN!!!!
[email protected]
He can give you all smallest details on witchever trick you wanna know
See you all at one or other ABK clinics...your all invited to Bonaire...
I'll be in the water waiting :p
Saludos from Caesar Finies NB-13
Posted by: caesar finies NB-13 | September 26, 2008 at 09:15 AM