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September 16, 2008


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I HATE gloves too and always end up resorting to them when it is too late. Though when we go away on hols I try to get the balance straight away. Unfortunately there is only one way never to wear gloves and that is regular windsurfing. Unfortunately we are getting less and less of that out here. This week we were promised wind but...........crap came instead! Oh for some wave sailing conditions!

rub neosporin over the blisters at night before going to bed

I started using surgical gloves for the cold days, and even doubled-bagged them for the very cold days... seems to be working fine so far as far as wind goes, but if you have to stay in the water for any length of time beware even 2 layers do NOT keep you warm!

The folks who wear gloves in BON often get worse callouses. I believe the friction is very damaging. This carpets. If you put a throw rug on a wall to wall, the friction will damage the wall to wall stressing the fibers. Same in theory for gloves, IMHO. To each her own.

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

