Friday's forecast had seemed promising, but we never rigged. Surely Sunday wouldn't disappoint! The Bowl was the call, and there was so much wind that the first man on the water (Bill B) was nuked on a 3.7. Bill being a larger fellow, if he's nuked on a 3.7, nobody is sailing ( later called it as 40 gusting to 50). So the new call was South Jamesport.
4.5's and 4.7's were rigged. We were lit one minute, shlogging the next. After twenty minutes of the on-off it just died.
So we (Bill, Scott, the Wolf, Jeff and yt) stood on the beach and exhorted the wind to blow anew. It did not. After awhile Bill noted that standing in near-freezing rain for half an hour on a Sunday with no shredding to show for it was less than grand. Soon enough the Men Who Do Not Grumble were all grumbling, and so we derigged and went home.
Word is that a few hours later the wind came up, and a few mid-Island windsurfers actually got some, but out in Peconica all you could find were long faces.
You people are cuh-razy. I'm a fan.
Yes, I said "you people" =P
Posted by: Aaron, the catapult | December 22, 2008 at 12:59 PM
It's only crazy when we're not planing!
Posted by: Michael | December 22, 2008 at 03:17 PM