There's a viral/ponzi/don't you have something better to do with your time?/bloggy thing going around where someone tags you ("tag"=calls you out in a post) and you're supposed to find the fourth photo from the fourth foulder from the fourth god knows what from your blog, repost the thing, then "tag" four other bloggers to do the same. It's made its way to the water blogs...queen of all kayak media Bonnie seems to have had fun with it, whilst the granddaddy of sailboat bloggers Lord Tillerman seems thoroughly annoyed. I got splatted by Adam "Messing about in boats but only when its warm because I don't like the cold". I was of two minds:
1. This is dumb.
2. There are lots of good photos amongst the windsurfing blog community.
As any regular visitor to the Peconic Puffin knows, I "do" dumb. Hell yes. "Dumb? What size sail should I rig?"
So I'm tagging OBX Bill (who always has outstanding photos of Hatteras action,) "Giampaolo (who takes ridiculously good shots in Mecca...I mean Maui,) James (special assignment for James...your fourth piece of technical illustrations...nobody does them like you) and of course He Without Whom My Blog Would Be Almost All Text, Peconic Jeff.
You are all cordially invited...
(Photo at top: Fourth photo from my fourth month of blogging, taken by me in icy waters at Mecox Bay. The ice looked slushy, and I imagined I was going to sail through it like planing through a margarita. A few seconds later my board had long slits cut through the bottom by the ice.)
Hmm, guess I better comply lest I get hit with bad luck or something (like a reduction in tomorrow's forecast!).
That picture isn't very inspiring, btw - chain games like this are supposed to spread hope (aka stoke), not icy despair!
Posted by: Jeff, aka Peconic Jeff | February 07, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Jeff, if I was the photos guy what would I need you for? Anyhow I think it's not a bad photo because it's from a topical story. Anyway, please show me how it's done!
Posted by: the editor | February 07, 2009 at 12:19 PM
That bastard Adam tagged you too. You never can trust a guy who puts photos of animals hanging out at the beach.....wait a second, scratch that.
Posted by: Joe Rouse | February 09, 2009 at 09:41 PM