It sure looks that way. There's always plenty to complain about when it comes to iWindsurf...forecast models listed in seemingly random order*, taking the winter off, lack of meters where they're needed, high price etc. Hey remember when they were calling forecasts "discussions" instead of forecasts (at least they fixed that.)
Anyhow today I went looking for the forecast. I found the "sample" page up, which included this graphic:
"The NY Southeast forecast season runs from March to November." Really? March when? We're pretty much halfway through March. In the iWindsurf forum someone noted that it was their understanding the forecasts would begin on March 28th. March being a four day month, that made sense to me.
*iWindsurf's system for listing computer forecasts for our area always seems like the essence of nonsensical design. They list the sites from South to North (they don't tell you this), but with the most southerly sites on the top and the most northerly on the bottom. And while you wouldn't think of Napeague (south shore) being north of Bayville (north shore) if you get out an atlas you'll find that it is. What you end up with is a counterintuitive jumble of names with no rhyme or reason, instead of it being listed alphabetically, or perhaps by subcategories Hudson River, North Shore LI, South Shore LI, and New Jersey.
Any entry-level website tech could fix this in an hour.
Hey Michael,
you've just put a fire under Iwindsurfs butt and they've already fixed one of the problems you've discussed. They just made it say forecasting starts in April instead of March now! Thanks for clearing them up on that. They obviously did the right thing. At least we've got a bluepoint meter which is good for Heckscher. Of course you have to know how to read it, just like each meter has it's own interpretation of the wind.
Posted by: mike burns | March 13, 2009 at 10:58 AM
Bay area too! Some key meters are down out here! >:-(
Posted by: Aaron Vieira | March 13, 2009 at 10:49 PM