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May 11, 2009


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Send a bit of the 'blowy stuff' this side of the world please.

Stunning day, wasn't it?

I wimped out on taking out my surfski; aside from the gusty wind, the water in the Paerdegat was of a color & odor that made me suspect that the week's heavy rains had caused the holding station at the top of the basin to fail to hold. Inauspicious conditions for a boat that gets you wet. But I had a great day by the water - learned my duties for the Laser regatta next week, including - yikes - blowing the horn for the start sequence (how sad is that gonna make Joe Rouse?), replaced some shot deck bungees on the Romany & did a spot of gardening.

Got home late in the afternoon & I saw a windsurfer drive past my apartment building late in the afternoon. "There goes a happy person", I thought!

yah, i had a great day too down here on the Delaware bay. 5.0 condition all day. sounds like ya'll did too! aswesome stuff Mike.

Bunty, the wind we had is currently heading your way...it sure as heck left here.

George I'll bet it rocked. The sunshine made it extra great!

Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie try and have a photo taken of you launching the Lasers. If you're gonna send Joe around the bend, do it with gusto!

Does anyone have an explanation why the East End was rocking while West Meadow Beach sucked?? I went there with all my high wind gear around 10:30 and found a couple of windsurfers slogging on a 6.9!!! Apparently the wind was only good for an hour earlier in the morning. That really sucked!

Sorry to hear that, Antonio, though as I recall iWindsurf did say eastern LI would get it better. On the other hand they had it dropping around noon, which it most definitely did not.


Srallpatious, the chimps got off like wet dogs!!!shralp on!!

No drysuits, no gloves, sunny, warm, windy, ramps and hits everywhere down at the point - what a great time in the water with friends. Ready for more.....

Michael Michael Michael. Look what you made me do.

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

