"Yo, what's that Buddha doing over there?"
"Dude, that's Buddha Mike's Buddha," came a reply.
"Geez, that's a frickin' piece of art!"
Such was the conversation in the rigging area of the Long Island Fall Regatta. Time was when a Buddha statue at a windsurfing venue really caught your eye. They still catch your eye when they're the work of Michael Jamieson, but the surprise is not as great as it was before Mike's work was profiled in Wind Sport, Windsurfing Magazine, and The Peconic Puffin.
Still, this was Buddha Mike's first Buddha at a race, so Mike whipped up something special, which we at the Puffin are calling Gaastra Buddha.
Check out the Awoken One's forehead.
That's what I'm talkin' about!
I'm big on Mike's Buddhas, so even though there are no Gaastras in my quiver I still thought to ask for enlightenment on rig size. I'd rigged a 6.2, but I was worried it was too big for the building winds.
"The rig is illusory," the Buddha answered.
"Cool, I'm not rerigging" I said, and went off to come in fifth. Fifth is not shabby, but I'm wondering if I'd gotten some downhaul tips if I was sailing my old Poison.
very cool pix . . . i could add my own buddha pix
Posted by: will | October 20, 2009 at 09:08 PM
so, you tie this on your board for good luck?
Posted by: bowsprite | October 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM