This blog is going to feature some Stand Up Paddle surfing posts. It’s a windsurfing blog, but my pursuit of wavesailing lead me to take the recommendation of Jon, Fisherman, Jeff and the Wolf and try SUPing in the ocean, and I am smitten. Also my wave sailing is more…”informed” now. And hey fellow waterblogger Bonnie (Queen of the Kayak bloggers) has a whole subsection of posts about cucumbers, so I don’t feel wildly out of bounds yammering about paddling a board.
On Saturday Jeff, Scott (in his surf ski) the Wolf and I hit the water at Dolphin Road, about two miles west of Ponquogue. Waves were 4-5 feet, fast, and closing out hard near the beach
(I managed to escape a closout exactly once...need to work on that!) But otherwise had my best day...I'm starting to turn the board more aggressively (ie less tentatively) and working the wave more. Not having his best day was Jeff, who got pinched in a wave with Scott and the Wolf, at the end of which Jeff's board sported quite a gouge. I myself haven't graduated to trying to protect my board...when I fall in the wash I'm too busy curled up like a ball trying to keep my head intact.
(Sequence: Scott and I prepare for a far so good...that's me with the pearl...munchola! Photos by Peconic Jeff.)
And basil. Don't forget the basil.
Posted by: bonnie | November 23, 2009 at 03:23 PM
Hooray! Next, I want to see you out there on a longboard without the broom.....actually that wave looks good for bodysurfing also. I'm glad to see that Jeff came prepared.
Basil and cucumbers.....hmmmmm....a basil surfing on top of a cucumber. I feel a logo coming on.
Posted by: Joe Rouse | November 23, 2009 at 06:53 PM
I would be verrrrrry careful Puffy! Of late I have too gone off topic posting about things like the Environment and Pirates only to savaged some very right wing johnnies for being a whining liberal.
Today it's paddle-surfing. Who knows where this will lead.
All that aside, Happy Thanksgiving mate.
Beer before Christmas?
Posted by: Turinas | November 26, 2009 at 08:03 AM
Yes Adam it's true, but yours is a respectable blog, whilst mine is...well...
I like environmental posts just fine. An your recent pirate item was as chilling as you said. I hope those people are okay. The last time it was an American taken by pirates our lefty president sent in the seals to kill the pirates and rescue the hostage. Complete success, though I'm sure the former VP (with his pink padded draft-avoiding ass hiding in some secure location) found it wanting.
Yes we must have that beer...we should reconvene the NY Waterblogfest!
Posted by: Michael | November 26, 2009 at 09:34 AM
will someone teach me how to surf?
looking at this, I am somehow under the delusion it is fun.
I like the logo idea!!! on the jar of PeconicPuffin/Frogma line of pickles.
happy thxgiving, Gang! xoxoxoxox c!
Posted by: bowsprite | November 26, 2009 at 11:57 AM
Yes Bowsprite it is fun! There's got to be surfing somewhere near the Kill Van Kull and wherever you do your water watching (Rockaway? Northern NJ?) We should discuss at the next blogfest.
Posted by: Michael | November 28, 2009 at 09:33 AM
Pesto pickles.
Blogfest? When? Today tomorrow & Wednesday are going to be miserable. Like dang I should bring my sleeping bag to work miserable. But after that, life should calm down, got no plans for the holidays except chillin', paddlin' & maybe quick trip to CT with TQ to see his folks for Christmas (I owe them, I stole their son away from them for Thanksgiving).
Posted by: bonnie | November 30, 2009 at 12:55 PM
looking good Mike, great shots from P Jeff, the Wolf cut me off so I ran his SUP over, jus can not take your eye off him.... no dings no foul CD
Posted by: cd | December 05, 2009 at 01:10 AM
CD brah when are we going to surf together? I need coaching!
Posted by: Michael | December 05, 2009 at 12:34 PM