Surfboard craftsman and waterman Rotorhead sent the alert:
"AKC Welcomes Three New Breeds
The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that three new breeds became eligible for AKC registration on January 1, 2011, bringing the totally number of registered breeds to 170.
(let's skip #1 and get to the point:)
The Norwegian Lundehund is the only AKC-registered breed whose original purpose was puffin hunting."
Puffin hunting? What the heck? That seems wrong (though maybe broiled puffin on a hot dog bun with mustard is a treat.) But back to the Lundehund:
"Today the breed makes a loyal and playful family companion."
Puffins have ALWAYS been loyal and playful. But my wife and I are thinking about getting a dog, so maybe the Lundehund would be a good choice.
(Puffin on the left: "You ever seen a Lundehund?" Puffin on the right: No, but I saw The Black Swan. Overhyped!" Lundhound pack: "Easy, boys...let's sneak up on 'em slow.")
I'm confused by this post, But then again, my wife dragged me to "The Black Swan." Talk about confusing, how did the Black Swan dance through the final act? Was this a Dallas moment?
Posted by: Joe | January 14, 2011 at 02:56 AM
Joe, it's the horror that's confusing you. Puffin-hunting dogs receiving recognition by people who recognize dogs (other than their own dogs.) Of course this was apparently in the past, but still, we must worry about their instincts, their raison d'puppy.
Posted by: Michael | January 14, 2011 at 08:29 AM
mike....u need to get some wind or waves soon!u r starting to lose all for puffins but now puffin hunting dogs!?
Posted by: scott k. | January 14, 2011 at 09:44 AM
From Wikipedia:
"... Dogs of this breed are able to bend their head backwards along their own spine and turn their forelegs to the side at a 90-degree horizontal angle to their body...
...instead of the normal four toes per foot, the Lundehund normally has six toes, all fully formed, jointed and muscled..."
These sound like post-apocalyptic indie freak dogs to me. I think if I ever saw one, I'd get the heck out of there pretty quick.
Posted by: o docker | January 15, 2011 at 04:53 AM