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January 10, 2011


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Fun day. Sun makes all the diff

very very true!

Although we have an excuse - our lakes are solid phase - you guys make us midwesterners look like sissies.

Where are your action shots? :)

Well Janis, our usual photographers (Peconic Jeff and Remy McFadden) were unavailable, and my wife is in China at the moment, so unlike George I had nobody to shoot!

But hey I'm glad to see you had a transplanted New Yorker to show you how it's done (Go Jake!)


Air temp hovering around around 31, water at 40....You guys are crazy. Of course sailing decked out in a space suit helps, but still...


my wife rocks dont she?
hehehehe :)

OK, I'm trying to cut back but "Yowza" deserves a couple of exclamation marks.


I could learn from you, Bonnie! Okay, lemme try:

I could learn from you, Bonnie.

Not quite the same! Anyhow I must tell you that it was one of those days that didn't feel anywhere near as cold as it was. I mean we had wet faces in dry air gusting in the high 20's, air temp low 30's, and we were sweating.

Vive le drysuit.

Totally nuts!If we had those temps here I would find a new sport!


Hello, I´m from argentina and I like to contact to ask about what kind of wet suit use in this conditions.

Hi Alejandro,

In the winter we're either wearing drysuits or 5/3 wetsuits, with high thick booties, gloves, and hoods.

Thanks Michael.

i stopped wearing dry suits(bare)becase of having to replace neck& wrist seals every year.also because i usually have to find someone to zip me up.i now use a 6/5/4 oneil heat.it has an attached hood,front zip,its as warm as a dry suit& if it rips i dont worry @ filling up with water.no water gets in the heat & it feels like a 4/3 suit!oh yeah its also @150.bucks less than the bare.

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

