Oh man. A lot has happened since the last time I checked in Windsport Magazine's PWA Fantasy Windsurfing pool. Back then I ruled Long Island! Now I need floss to get seaweed and sand out from between my teeth. Let's review the current standings of people I know:
#82 Jon Ford, on the top of the Puffin heap. Was #151.
#170 Pete Dekay. He's the editor of Windsport so I think it's safe to say he's cheating. Had been #55.
#298 Christian Charles. It's hard to begrudge Christian after his recent experience adrift, but I'm begrudging him anyway. Had been #274.
#327 Me. Had been #110. All glory is fleeting.
#359 George Marr. Still in my wake, George! Had been #386
#470 Derek Rijff.
#567 Radar Tom.
#583 Michael Ingbar.
#599 Mike Burns (still in my wake, Lord King of the East! Had been #421.)
#641 Brendan Quinn (too cool to care.)
#651 Jill Marr
#694 Buddha Mike. Had been #686.
#802 Dennis Grunbeck Moving up, Dennis! Had been #825.
There's still time for me to pull it out. Must add downhaul and sheet in! In the meantime whether you're in the thing or not, check out the feature in Windsport.
Pwa sylt is coming up around the corner. The bonaire guys are already on their way. EVERYTHING can change at sylt. This is the place where the upsets seem to happen all the time because of the difficult conditions. Go puffin go!
Posted by: Mike Burns | September 20, 2011 at 08:12 PM
#82 and going strong;)
Posted by: Jon | September 21, 2011 at 07:43 AM