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October 20, 2011


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It looks like your sacrifice has already kicked in - I'm packing my small gear and heading to New Suffolk. Thanks! Great news about your bicep. Looks like you'll be ready just in time for the November Nor'easters!

thanks for the sacrafice mike..new suffolk was awesome!get well soon. by the way i delammed my jp 84 on a flat landing..waaaaaahhhhh!

Best wishes of a speedy recovery, Mike. I guess total rest is the cure? Do you have an idea of what caused the tear by the way?

Your sacrifice must be working this end of the pond too cos we had a great day last Sunday - 4.2 overpowered and waves in the bay. Thanks for being so considerate towards your fellow surfers!

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windsurfing van

  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

