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December 02, 2011


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So, first you have to endure the groans from a bad wing, and now the groans from this video. Sorry Michael, I hope you get well soon.

mike you do have wayyyyyyy too much time on ur hands!!! i cant beleve i got duped into watching that! please dont post part two...the dog was right YAAWWWWNN!!

You are a snob, Lord Scotworth...this is entertainment! Okay the action is minimal and the humor dry, but I like it.

Speaking of dry, you should see my gear. Sad.

She needs a helmet!!

Pretty cute. I guess I like my humor dry, not shaken. Good luck with the arm.

Visual torture! of course you could always do yoga on your board.

Joe, you should hang with Scott. Snobs, I say! Have you never been marooned in Hatteras with your friends and your equipment and no wind? This is good stuff. Dry. Arid. Very arid, even. But I like it.

There is a lot of SUP yoga in this area for some reason (all the water?) As an Iyengar yoga guy I like props, but I'm not practicing on my board just yet.

mike the wolf tried doing a cartwheel on his sup the other day & now hes on crutches! somehow he banged his knee on his board & its swollen like a grapefruit according to c.d.now hes gonna miss honkin nw tomorrow at sebonac inlet!

What in the heck is the Wolf attempting cartwheels for?

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    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

