Windsurfing Magazine was my bible when I started. It was 1992, and the magazine was loaded with equipment reviews, technical info (you haven't lived until you've read a Ken Winner technical piece), instruction, the whole shebang. EVERYTHING was in there. In 1996 I started a monthly column about the brave new world of windsurfing information available on the Internet, writing about 50 articles and a few features over the years before talking about websites in print became quaint. Discovered my future gurus Dasher and Andy Brandt in the mag too (how exciting to meet them in person years later!) Read Windsurfing cover to cover for years.
But between the sport contracting in the early 21st century and the tremendous amount of information available digitally*, it was getting tough for them, and now they’ve decided to shut it down. Everything ends.
R.I.P. Windsurfing Magazine. Long Live Windsport and New England Windsurfing Journal!
*There is probably more windsurfing media now than there was 20 years ago, but it's online and semiprofessional or amateur. But it's meeting much of the need. One good print magazine (Windsport?) should be enough.
Sad and hard to believe. There is still a need and a market for print.
Posted by: Waterturtle | December 23, 2011 at 07:58 AM
While Windsurfing Magazine always had it's was always there.Other magazines come and go, but for me there was that one constant. I think I've had a subscription since 1985.
This spring I had the privilege of working with editor in chief, Josh Sampiero during the Hatteras board tests.
I will mourn the passing of the print version. The web just ain't the same.
Posted by: Frank Messina | December 23, 2011 at 09:13 AM
yikes. what we need is a new alternative magazine. Like american windsurfer.
Posted by: zorp | December 23, 2011 at 09:21 AM
Repeat after me, everyone: Windsport. A good magazine (edited by former Andy Brandt right hand man Pete Dekay) and worth our custom and support.
I agree that we need (or at least like a lot!) a print windsurfing resource. Go Windsport!
Posted by: Michael | December 23, 2011 at 09:23 AM
It is sad news, but a reality, and a sign of the times. I like Windsport a lot, and I still like getting a printed magazine to study. Truthfully, as much as I would like to continue and have supported both NA magazines in the past, the distribution in the last several years was always frustratingly erratic and inconsistent. My issues would arrive late, if at all, and many times my subscriptions would end prematurely without warning (especially with a multiyear subscription). I got a lot of early renewal junk mail, especially from Windsurfing. I am grateful that we can now get the majority of our magazines digitally (and some great ones with cool features are even free!). I subscribe to Boards UK digital, I get it instantly, for a reasonable price, and it is packed with a lot of content (but no NA content). It is definitely not the same as a browsing a printed magazine, but I am happy enough with it on my iPad. I did subscribe to a year of Windsurfing digitally, but I suspected something was up when I stopped getting new issues for a while now. I doubt I will get a refund, but I will chalk it up to the many great years of enjoyment the magazine brought me (Windrider to today). Thanks to all that made it possible all these years, and I wish you guys the best in the future.
Posted by: wsurfn787 | December 23, 2011 at 10:44 AM
Thanks for the update. Comes as a little bit of a shock (even though I work in a print media niche and am well aware of the precarious situations many parts of the print industry find themselves in, nowadays.)
I read that mag voraciously, cover to cover, along with many others, for a number of years (10, 12?), then hit that fork in the road, where I was not sailing so much, nor as interested in expensive "new" gear, and participating in 4 other sports.
However, I figured those who were still more fervent about windsurfing in the U.S. might still be reading print version. I guess I figured wrong.
End of an era.
Posted by: Phil | December 23, 2011 at 05:57 PM
Sad to hear it! What about those of us that just coughed up for a 2 year subscription?
Posted by: Mike R | December 26, 2011 at 10:02 AM
I don't know what they're doing to honor existing subscriptions, Mike. I've read that they're substituting a different magazine (I think a surfing mag) for existing subscribers. You may want to get in contact with them directly if you want a refund.
Posted by: Michael | December 26, 2011 at 01:12 PM
Has there been some kind of announcement? Seeing these 'rumors' all over the web, but how do we know? Also, Graham Ezzy suggested that Boards was shutting down too??
I think I've been burned by every windsurf/SUP mag ever published. I'll continue to get Windsport, but Windsport has erratic delivery and never sends a renewal notice. Not really sure if they want me to subscribe.
Posted by: Brian S | December 27, 2011 at 09:48 AM
Brian, if you go to the forum in iWindsurf you will find Josh Sampiero (editor of Windsurfing Magazine) making the announcement. I've also confirmed it through other people connected to the parent company.
Posted by: Michael | December 27, 2011 at 10:59 AM
Michael, Been out of the loop for a couple days, and started my day with Puffin news this morning. Right after I posted here I saw Josh's post on the iWindsurf forum. Sorry to see Windsurfing and Boards both go:
Brian McDowell seems to be alive and well.
Posted by: Brian S | December 27, 2011 at 11:40 AM