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January 30, 2012


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da # is more like 180 80air 80h2o 20knots 18straight days-44sessions-dont hate peace bb

Aren't you getting tired, Bill? You must be awfully hot and uncomfortable.

44 Puerto Rico sessions! Send a photo when you get a chance.

It's not unconfortable at all. Too busy shredding to be tired. 7.5 meter kite almost every day...........priceless. Jh

cant be PLUS windspeed. how bout:
minus (windspeed minus 20kts)
plus TEN times (weeks since sailed)

Of course it's PLUS windspeed. 40 degrees air and 40 degrees water plus 20 mph wind = 100...we're sailing!

that pic isn't from this past weekend is it?

The photo is not from this past weekend. But a discussion of the Long Island 100 rule took place amongst the brethren Friday night, and I asked the Peconic Puffin Senior Photo Editor (Peconic Jeff ) for a recommendation that would illustrate our penchant for cold weather windsurfing. He suggested this shot. I particularly like how the blowing snowflakes indicate good wind speed!

I thought mid-westerners were tough, but now I feel like a sissy.

ha! good stuff

bah humbug! sail until the monofilm cracks!!!

Surfer arrested in Chicago for (wait for it...)

I love the "Weeks since last session + 5 (if it's sunny) " addition to the equation :)


A more sane 100 rule (from a NEW Long Islander) is: water plus air temperatures must equal 100 or MORE! LOL!
You guys know you're insane!

Marianne, if you don't own one already the day will come when you get a 5/3 wetsuit. And then the day will come one January...it will be 55 degrees and sunny out, wind blowing 25, but the water, alas, will be 40 degrees. 55+ 40 = 95...what to do, what to do?

I predict you will sail!

I generally followed the basic 100 degree rule (air+water temp) but this year I made my fellow Reef Warriors proud by coming up with a new rule: air temp 36+water 36+wind 20+bright sunshine+ OPEN WATER ON LAKE ERIE IN FEBRUARY=one heck of a great session!

Well done, Gail! We only give 5 for sunshine...you gave 8. All hail the Reef Warriors!

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windsurfing van

  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

