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January 13, 2012


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So your friend Bill is taunting us from PR and the Tillerman is bragging about heading down to Cabarete. Life can be so cruel!

Micheal, sorry to disapoint. I am back on li , breifly , I may add. Headed back 1/18 for wind ,waves and warmth. Jh Too cold and gray for me

don't be haters boys-bitterness and envy.not my goal-yesterday was 25knots and shoulder high,but i digress,it really is an invitation to join in da fun here or any other warm n windy spot;life is short and now at 60 i'm gettin all i can so leave da rubber behind and hit da airport,i'll be waiting 4 u chimps-fire in da hole-peace-bb thank da lord da puppy survived

No comments about the wolf rescue?

The Wolf...da puppy...rescue story on Peconic Puffin now.

Bill thank the lord yeah I thank Scott for calling 911 (plus the Wolf's resilience, plus all the people who responded. See post.)

Wow, did not know PR was a windsurf destination. What town/beach are you at? Rental gear, or bring your own? Thanks!

is that pic ponquogue or greener warmer pastures of water?

I didn't know that people as old and fat as Bill Barber could windsurf. I thought he retired and moved to a nursing home.

Bill is an active senior. A few years ago he graced the cover of the "Senior Sourcebook"...we dutifully reported on it.

bill may be old..but fat?

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

