The flowstyle genius Caesar Finies was not putting on his daily magic shows last week in Bonaire. When I asked around I heard he’d hurt himself recently and so was on the mend. Our loss, but okay.
Then on Friday while hanging out in the Hang Out bar, I heard someone loudly ask “WHAT IS THAT? WHAT IS HE DOING”. I turned and saw Caesar back on the water, just 25 feet away, and he’d lost nothing during his break.
I’ve seen him a dozen times before, and while it was still jaw-droppingly amazing, it was almost as much fun to stand next to someone who had never seen Caesar ever:
“Look at that!”
“He’s dancing with the sail!”
“What is that?”
“How does the sail know where to go?”
“I’ve never seen anything like that!”
“Oh my god, look!”
“What? What? Oh!”
“This is unbelievable! They’re dancing!”
It was great fun. And good to have Caesar back!
(The video above is not from last Friday...I shot it a few years ago, but if you’re not familiar with Caesar it will give you the general idea. He's actually much better now! And hey...if you like this, please like us on Facebook.)
This guy does some of the most amazing stuff on a board! We saw him do some of it a couple years ago when we visited Bonaire, it was incredible to watch his control. His throws at the end are very impressive.
Another video set with tango dancers:
(thanks for your comments on my blog,
Posted by: Chris | March 01, 2012 at 02:05 PM
Awesome and amazing. Also, thank you very much for using music that I could listen to. (I normally shut off the audio that accompanies windsurf vids)
Posted by: Dennis | March 01, 2012 at 05:26 PM
That's a treat to watch all right. Thanks.
Posted by: Phil | March 02, 2012 at 12:21 AM