"Stained Glass Shredding, Rusalka Wind Sculpture"? How about "More cool windsurfing stuff from Ron"? About a week ago I posted some photos of great looking old boards on Ron's deck, and afterwards Ron ("noshuzbluz" on the iWindsurf forum) turned me on to some other extraordinary windsurfing art living on his patio.
The stained glass was made by Ron's friend Kevin in Rio Vista. And here's what Ron had to say about the wood art: "I get a call from my wife one Saturday afternoon. She said "Bring your truck, I'm downtown at an antique/junk shop." I get there and she shows me this! Oh how I love my wife! She named it Rusalka. She (and it's definitely a she)is pretty weather worn after 8-10 years. She used to have a jute skirt and ankelets that have since rotted off. My wife won't let me put a harness on it. Geez! I can't have any fun!
Rusalka...from Wikipedia: In Slavic mythology, a rusalka (plural: rusalki or rusalky) was a female
ghost, water nymph, succubus, or mermaid-like demon that dwelled in a waterway. According to most traditions, the rusalki were fish-women, who lived at the bottom of rivers. In the middle of the night, they would walk out to the bank and dance in meadows. If they saw handsome men, they would fascinate them with songs and dancing, mesmerize them, then lead them away to the river floor to their death."
Ron, that is some good stuff!
mesmerize them with song and dance and then WHAT?!?! that's no way to treat good meat.
Posted by: bowsprite | February 07, 2012 at 08:07 AM
michael-- thanks for the education about Rusalka. i'll have to do some homework!!
Posted by: will | February 07, 2012 at 02:02 PM
I like the Dill. Those boards are hard to beat in sub 3.7 conditions.
Posted by: George P | February 07, 2012 at 08:29 PM
is it possibly a female windchimp?
Posted by: scott k. | February 08, 2012 at 09:37 AM
Scott...is there such a thing, and if there is, dare one say it in their presence? I'd hesitate to refer to Jan as a chimp, for example. Concern for my inventory of teeth comes to mind.
Posted by: Michael | February 08, 2012 at 09:53 AM
I had that board! Same colors and everything! I'm trying to find a picture of it - I sold it a few years ago. Fiberglass/foam, full color, twin stringer...Nice.
Posted by: Rotorhead | February 09, 2012 at 01:44 AM
mike jan is definitely a chimpette & im sure she would proudly admit so.hey shes usually out there more than her hubby bruce..sorry bruce.she has the stoke & go for it attitude some of us other chimps lack.
Posted by: scott k. | February 09, 2012 at 11:31 AM