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February 07, 2012


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mesmerize them with song and dance and then WHAT?!?! that's no way to treat good meat.

michael-- thanks for the education about Rusalka. i'll have to do some homework!!

I like the Dill. Those boards are hard to beat in sub 3.7 conditions.

is it possibly a female windchimp?

Scott...is there such a thing, and if there is, dare one say it in their presence? I'd hesitate to refer to Jan as a chimp, for example. Concern for my inventory of teeth comes to mind.

I had that board! Same colors and everything! I'm trying to find a picture of it - I sold it a few years ago. Fiberglass/foam, full color, twin stringer...Nice.

mike jan is definitely a chimpette & im sure she would proudly admit so.hey shes usually out there more than her hubby bruce..sorry bruce.she has the stoke & go for it attitude some of us other chimps lack.

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  • Bulkhead_wide
    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

