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August 07, 2012


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Bravo Puffin, you can find 'em.

It's a hoity-toity kitesurfer people....

Well said Lawrence. I never quite understood why windsurfing was considered elitist or hoity toity.

that's good work by you. Loved that.
Hey thx for the suggestion of the trigger point workbook. A tennis ball has helped roll out the pains of the infra spinatus, and teres muscles. Lots of rest with that book and i am back to sailing this yr, finally! Unfortunately i havent been able to match a free day with wind yet!

Windsurf is "elitist" because it demands effort. It takes one year to get a beginner to plan, be hooked up in the harness and on the footstraps.

That's why anonymous joe dislikes it. Because it's not 3 lessons and out in the water you go...

And there is no water sport quite so amazing as windsurf.

Would everybody hate me if I mentioned that I did dressage when I was a kid?

Nothing like what they were doing at the Olympics of course but I think there's a ribbon or two somewhere in the back of a closet in my parents' house...

I suppose I should keep quiet about this, what what?

Bonnie, you are Queen of the Kayak Bloggers (and you grow tomatoes and cucumbers)...ever shall you be loved by all.


Quick story: I was kitesurfing in Puerto Rico during 2002 and our friend was going to be giving a lesson to some Senator that day. Who pops out of the limo, John Kerry.
Kitesurfers & windsurfers, republicans & democrats, dogs & cats, all getting along. What is this world coming to.

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    "It's good to have a shredmobile" my friend Caldwell said, so I made one. It's a Ford E150 cargo van done up with lumber and k-mart plastic boxes.

