I have the good fortune to have friends who live on the eastern side of Napeague, where the sands are red and the kites few. Sally and I had a dinner invitation to go visit...really...and then the 25 knot forecast hit.
"Let's go early".
After a false start with the 5.3, I was soon out with a 4.5, lit on 77 liters of freestyle wave happiness, along with Dana, Andy, Lili and Wilson. Side on winds, full power just 50 yards from the beach. Rip roaring on a sunny fall day! And when I say I was on a 4.5, that's mostly because my 4.0 no longer exists. The gusts that came through were many and mighty ("compelling" is the word we agreed upon after a dozen) and I for one found I couldn't really jibe in them. Wait for the lulls. Or make a big splash.
What all that wind was great for was jumping. I know..."Napeague" and "jumping" are not normally in the same sentence, but there were some unusually clean and sizable ramps setting up this day. Air time was had (and my joints had a jumping hangover the next morning...I need to go to restorative yoga or something.)
After two hours the gusts became the base wind speed, and we were all:
A: sufficiently fried,
B: thinking about the wonderful planned dinner,
C: A and B
(the answer is C)
so we packed it in, and got down to some fine food and wine. All of life should be like Saturday.
(Top: It may have been crowded at Lazy Point, but we had the far side all to ourselves. Dana, Andy and I mug for the camera. Jumping at Napeague! Dana on the red sands of happy. Photos by Wilson.)
P.S. That was the session I caught. Tomorrow we shall have the story of the session I missed, as the consortium of wind chimps and greater Puffinry caught it big at Cupsogue.
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