"A surprisingly good sesh," Scott proclaimed. When it all started it didnt...Scott, Jeff and I met at Ponquogue, where the wind was insufficient and the waves uninteresting enough that Jeff said he was going back to work, and I decided to drive to the Peconic to sulk in a bay session.
Just as I pulled up to the Little Peconic I got a text: "15-20 sideshore at K Rd, going on on 5.3/Go, small waves breaking" from Jeff. Scott texted that he was going to Rick's (later we would determine that his spellchecker didn't like "rig".) Anyhow I drove all the way back, rigged the 6.2 (to Scott's 5.8 and Jeff's 5.3) and went.
The waves grew to 3 feet and the wind came up enough for Jeff to switch to his Skate. Soon the Wolf arrived, followed by Bill. Bill in his triumphant return to windsurfing (he just picked up a tasty light wind board...we need a photo of it) forgot a few things...mast pieces and soforth...and so had to borrow from Scott.
There was some beach break...the move was to drop board in knee-high water and shoot through the white stuff, then hit the inside ramps which were packed with bluefish. "I landed on two," Scott said. Scott jumps a lot, so there were surely many fish who thought him a pain in the neck (worst Peconic Puffin joke ever, folks. There it is. All uphill from here. Ooof.) 2014 is All About K Road...we SUP, we sail, we don't have crowds of surfers to contend with (it must be working somewhere else for them, which is just fine.) More days like this please!
(From the top: Scott spots his fish while the editor watches, Jeff works a wave, Bill takes his new board for a spin, Wolf wave. Photos by Jeff Schultz Photography.)