(I know, I know...this is pretty thin. But it's been quiet in Greater Puffindom. Haven't been on the water in two months...bad timing plus crazy temps at the moment. Still, we must prattle on!)
When I upgraded my Mac's OS recently, the new "guide to features" featured a number of windsurfing photos. Usually when you see these in frames in art shops the pictures are from the 1980's, when sails were colorful sheets of dacron or whatever. Nothing made in the last two decades. But Behold! Apple is using new shots. I didn't know Gaastra was still in business, but the boards in their photos are definitely late model freestyle rides. Noyce.
Gaastra is still around but changed their name a while back to GA. They are a bit non-commital to it, though, as they'll use both GA and Gaastra on the same web page.
I've got a couple of their recent bigger cammed freerace sails that get a lot of foil time.
Posted by: William | January 24, 2019 at 12:00 PM