The texts said we were sailing "Symbolic Inlet". Methought this was Sebonac mangled by a spell checker, so there I went.
They were at Meschutt.
The thing about most 4.2 windsurfing is that the water is too choppy to get up to crazy high speed. But not on the inside at Meschutt. I went out thinking "I want to have some good jumps" but then next thing I new I was FLYING across flat water, going faster than I cared to for a jump attempt.
So I picked my moments.
So did Jon Ford, Frank, Fisherman, the Wolf and Scott. I was last to arrive but still had a nice little sesh. Particularly since it was my 23rd wedding anniversary. At one point I was talking to Scott in the shallows, explaining that even a short sesh was a get since it was my anniversary. He agreed. I said "it's our 23rd anniversary and it's on the 23rd!".
Scott's face fell. "Today is the 23rd?"
November 23rd was Scott's wedding anniversary as well. Oops! Well now he at least was able to plan a comeback when he got home.