This was a first. And a second. in the municipal parking lot at South Jamesport (Scott's fave because it specifies "no permits required") Jan and I were rigging for moderate a 5.4, her a 4.7. Suddenly a car with two little old ladies drove through...through and right over my mast! Jan said "did they just drive over your mast?" As I said yes a SECOND car drove over my mast with the front tires, then stopped. A smiling driver said "Are you Michael?" And then "Did I just drive over your mast?"
"Yes and Yes" I replied. I was meeting Dilay, previously unencountered LI windsurfer and moderator of the LI Active group on Facebook.
Back to my mast. It had just been run over twice! Or three times (or 1.5 depending on how you figure these things.). But there had been no telltale crack of damage or destruction. Examining the mast it seemed fine. This was due to the unusual surface of the parking lot, which is square stones with grass in between. Through sheer luck my mast was only on top of grass, so between the soil giving and the mast deforming, t'warnt no damage. Hurray.
So we sailed. Jan and I had a couple moderately powered runs when Scott and the Wolf arrived. I was on my cheater 109, but the last run turned out to be full powered so I grabbed my 93 instead. Good call! Soon Scott, the Wolf, Marty, then Dilay and finally Bruce were on the water as well, and for a couple hours we had proper 5.3 SJ conditions before it died.
A pair of reckless cabin cruiser captains crowded Dilay...not an issue we normally run into...and Jan interposed herself to keep the boats at bay. Must look out for the rare idiot at the helm.
(photo: my mast was happily lined up between the stones.)
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