"The Chronicler writes history," Bruce said to me. That's crazy talk given that I write the blog. But so be it!
Saturday at East Landing we had quite the turnout. People I knew (Scott Rob the Wolf Artie Jan Bruce Pav Me) and people I didn't know, many of whom were speaking French. I would say it was the biggest French speaking turnout at a session in several years quelle magnifique! I rigged a 5.4, and everyone else rigged their version of same, whilst the wind went up and down, up and down.
"We caught the best of it" Jan said to me, and she was right...one nicely powered stretch of about 45 minutes when all was lull-less and good. Folks chose to swap out boards rather than re-rig. This worked for me...I started out on my 109 but spent most of the sesh on Ye Olde 93.
This is my history of Saturday.