South Jamesport was exquisite. But Jonathan wanted to go to New Suffolk.
“Want to go to New Suffolk?” Jon asked.
I didn’t. SJ was nearly perfect. 4.2 SSW at low tide. It was WAIST DEEP…very Hatteras…with organized ramps on both tacks. Hum baby!
4.2 gusting to 3.7 Scott said. The only reason the sand wasn’t blowing was it had rained in the morning. Scott, Frank and George Pav (on his triumphant post covid return sesh) were on it first, followed by moi, Jonathan, Artie, and John Nat.
We were on 4.2’s at first. Jibing in the lulls. It was so windy that Frank took a break (when have you ever seen Frank take a break?) Scott was blasting and tailwalking…said his fin was too big. I hung in there on my 4.2 until I found myself sailing with my back arm fully extended. Time for the 3.7. Soon most everyone was in the threes.
Somewhere along the line George (healthy and happy) hit a log with his newly acquired Fanatic Grip. One of the thruster boxes suffered a minor crack. How to fix it? Personal epoxy? Pete? I suggested cleaning up the ding and jamming a shim in place of the now nonexistent screw. We shall see what George does. (P.S. George got the board from Jason who we used to sail with. Jason always had nice boards!)
So now we’re on 3.7s…full tilt boogie on the smooth water, catching air off the ramps, and again having to jibe in the lulls. Me if I jibe DRY on a 3.7 I’m happy, but in waist deep conditions who cares? Got a few before I was sheeting out again. Scott declared it 3.2, and I declared I was tired. Derigged and left just as John was hitting the water to get his.
(Artie blasting inbound.)