Three months ago during a quick session with Christian the driver's door to my van got yanked by the wind...big time. Christian had warned me about parking tail to the wind, but I was not careful, and it cost me $900 to get a working front door (a lot of welding was necessary...doh!) But hey the van door works again!
All of this fussing over my 19 year old van got me thinking about the possibility of upgrading. Ford is making an electric pickup, so I thought "wouldn't an electric van be cool!" Could power up our launch sites...need to use power tools? A hot water heater and pump for showering? Fun fun fun. I was reading a couple articles about the surge in sales for electric vehicles when I found this article about electric vans in the New York Times. It seems like every electric van that's going to be made in the next ten years is already either Amazon, Fedex, or Walmart.
Time to order new car seat covers for my trusty old ride!