Sunsets on the Little Peconic Bay have always been exquisite. Yesterday we were blessed with a magnificent one as we gathered at low tide to scatter Steve's ashes on this bit of beach where so much happened. About 50 feet behind everyone is the water where I first tried windsurfing, and the beach where Steve introduced himself to me. 100 feet inland from all of us is the site of Steve and Cindy's first (then second) house, where Sally and I got to spend precious years with their brand new daughters (also we windsurfed a heck of a lot!). The dear friends, the core group of people who were the Peconic Puffins, back when this was a silly little newsletter 30 years ago. Jay, Slo, Eileen, Nannette. Jordan, Avery, Ivette, Ksusha. I told the story of how when I learned about Steve's passing I came to this spot, just to stand here. Eileen had done the same thing..we just arrived at different times.
It was a beautiful gathering on a spot Steve loved. It would have made him happy.
Postscript: Steve was joined with the ashes of his favorite dog, Spooky. Jordan and Avery shared the story of how he grudgingly came to love Spooky ("he's a good little dog" he was quoted as saying back in the day.)
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