Mike Burns thinks it could blow big. I'm not trying to jinx it! I'm just sayin' that's what Mike is sayin'.
MC Thom Hering thinks we may need jet ski rabbit starts. Say what? If the wind is from the east then racers will a-gather on the water (as opposed to the rabbit beach starts we've had in festivals past for the southerlies) and get started by a passing jet ski.
Both Mike and MC Thom say it's important that participants be there by 9AM to register, get numbers (remember to bring duct tape to put numbers on your sails) and kick off the competition.
It's going to be exciting!
The 2011 East Coast Windsurfing Festival is this Saturday-Sunday at Heckscher State Park. The following is a list of "important stuff to bring" taken from the event web site, as written by reigning King of the East Mike Burns himself:
"- Money - There is a charge of 8 bucks to get into the park at the toll booth.
-Weed fin - The beginning of June is when those weeds decide to start appearing. Sometimes you can get by without one, but it could just make the difference.
-Sun Block - I forgot mine last year and got burnt to a crisp.
-Food and Drink - There is nowhere in the park to buy food or beverages so bring what you’ll need for the day
-Toilet Paper - There I said it. The bathrooms at the boat ramp will be open but you never know if they’ll have what you need when you really need it. -Duct tape - it has a million uses so you might as well bring some. Whether you need to put numbers on your sail, protect your body parts from getting blisters from the tons of sailing you’ll be doing, you might just need some duct tape.
- Your family and friends - everyone else’s will be there, so bring yours along too."
See you there!
(photo of jet ski rabbit start borrowed from Continent Seven, where it was credited to Biancotto.)
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