There were hundreds of stories at the East Coast Windsurfing Festival beyond the extraordinary pro freestyle competition (complete results of amateur and pro competition can be found here.) Every participant I saw was having fun, giving it there all (sailing, laughing, cursing, smiling) and I’m sure I missed lots of great moments, but hey I was just another guy falling off of his board. Here are some of my favorites:
All Hail Nasty Old Longboards!
Last year Pete (“The Eliminator” or “The Terminator…he goes by both) Roesch dominated the racing whilst sailing an old Fanatic Ultra-Cat. Many took notice (including me) and this year the beach sported quite the collection of longboards that in other circumstances would be headed for the nearest landfill. I was proud of the fact that my 1983 Superlight (made before footstraps were invented) had been laying in a brushpile for a year, and had a worm living in the mast track as I removed it from my van. George Marr immediately one-upped me with his own find: another cast-off Ultra Cat with a slug residing in its adjustable track. Damn. Then Peter Bogucki of NEWJ (himself sporting an ancient ride) pointed out a Superlight on the beach fully encrusted with last fall’s maple leaves and a healthy family of ants. Then there was the Crit…basically a sailboat with a mast track on top and wooden centerboard in who knows what condition. In the races these boards were finishing top ten alongside formula and Olympic class gear. Write this down: Stop by a swap meet (or yard sale, or garbage dump) twixt now and the 2010 festival and pick yourself up one of these sweet honeys…nobody will laugh when you round the upwind mark at the head of the pack!
All Hail Peconic Jeff!
Time was when I was a better freestyler than my partner in so much windsurfing crime. But P-Jeff had a great weekend, and sailed the best two minutes of his freestyle life that I’ve ever seen in the finals, to finish third, ahead of The Mighty Larry Hoff and Kurt Veith (last year’s Men’s Amateur winner.) I’m going to start taking notes at future sessions together.
All Hail Jimi Sobeck!
Just a few years ago Jimi was this nice kid learning to windsurf. Now that he’s pasted every amateur in both racing and freestyle we’re going to have to stick him with the pros in 2010.
All Hail Mike Burns!
They had to fly someone thousand of miles to eek out a victory over Long Island’s finest. And you just know that Mike will have a whole new bag of tricks for next year…
All Hail first-time competitors!
I don’t know how many people had never raced or competed in freestyle before, but I know my friend Robert. Robert told me that his goal for the festival was to make it around the course. His first heat didn’t go so well, but before the day was done I saw him pumping his fist in the air. It put a big smile on my face.
All Hail Competition to the Queen of the East!
Jill Marr (returning Queen of the East) had some competition this year…it was great to have Jean Bauman (racing champ!) and Alison Dunston on the water to broaden the female field. For next year we’re hoping to have even more.
All Hail People Who Came from Beyond Long Island!
Pete Dekay from Windsport came from Canada. Tom Lepak (mighty racer foiled only by Jimi Sobeck) came from his continuing world tour as an ABK windsurfing instructor. People came from Connecticut, from Bonaire, from all over. It was great seeing/meeting you all.
All Hail Bitter Grudge Matches!
Not really, but the pitched battle between George Marr and Pete Roesch was a source of great entertainment (and frustration to me as I couldn’t even insert myself between them and the finish line once.) Though I did get to have it out with George Pav at the windward mark…hey is it illegal for me to step on his board and flip it in the middle of a race?
All Hail Everybody who helped make the festival possible or better!
MC Thom Hering, Christina Burns, Joe Natalie, Jon Ford at Windsurfing Hamptons, the good people at Ocean Air Sports, Pete Dekay from Windsport Magazine, Peter Bogucki at New England Windsurfing Journal, anyone I’m leaving out, and of course the competitor organizers Mike Burns and Jill Marr.
(Photo by Bill Doutney: Caesar is going to catch that sail, no kidding. Meanwhile there are thousands of photos from the festival by the indefatigable Bill Doutney...check out these links here, here, here, and here. Thanks Bill!)
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