The people at LiP Sunglasses asked The Peconic Puffin if we’d review their watersports sunglasses, and review them we shall. We all know the deal with such sunglasses…there are two moderate issues and one major issue. The moderates: How well do they shed water (given that we’re being sprayed with water constantly) and do they fog up? The Major: How do you avoid losing them in big falls? Who wants to spend money on pricey eyewear that will get knocked flying in high speed falls? Not me.
Let’s tackle the major issue first: LiP’s solution to keeping the glasses you bought is to have the retainer strap attach to a rubber “retainer necklace” that sits around your neck. Think a big soft “O” ring. It’s got plenty of give should the glasses get yanked…you’re not going to get choked…but it’s not coming off over your head either. I’ve sailed with the LiP’s in 4.2 winds and had a couple invigorating falls, one of which lifted them off of my face, but they basically sat on top of my head as the rubber necklace didn’t let the leash go anywhere. I’ve also sailed with them in 4.7 and 5.4 conditions, but the falls were not as severe. The 4.2 crashes were the test.
I think they’ve worked out how to secure sunglasses to a windsurfer or kiter.

LiP has two models, the Typhoon and the Surge. The Typhoon is their full-on “most advanced watershade on the market” while the Surge is a smaller, lighter pair of glasses at about half the price. Both the Typhoon and Surge sheeted water beautifully. Happily I had the Typhoons on when a squall came through…sailing in the rain was no problem…in fact I didn’t realize how bad it was until the other guys I was sailing with commented on sailing with one eye closed and the other squinting! We’ve all been there LOL.
Neither pair fogged.
There have been good watersports glasses on the market before, but all of mine ended up in Davy Jones locker one way or another. LiP appears to have that issue beat. So if you want to protect your eyes from the sun, and/or shred with impunity in the rain, we recommend them.
(image from LiP's web site.)
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